Art of parenting

Love of parents for their children is the most natural thing. Love for children by parents is not taught. It is an instinct. But parenting is an art and requires proper knowledge training and practice. Love is a mighty force. People learn the art of parenting immediately after becoming parents. Most of us have learnt this art from our own parents. If anyone knows how to guide your child better to be a good human being, such a person is a true teacher. To bring up children rightly is not easy. It is a daunting task. Nothing is more rewarding than shepherding children in the enchanting phase of infancy. It is a joyous task. When parents leave their children in charge of a school they have great expectations. They are anxious to know whether their kids are taken care of and guided properly by the teachers to end up as happy and successful citizens. However, happy children invariably become successful in life whereas all successful children may not be necessarily happy. Each child i...